November 08, 2010


I found these great glass jars with funky lids.
I just don't know what to do with them...

I am thinking to use one for cookies and candy - putting it on the coffee table (however, I run into problems there with Pookie scarfing down any homemade treat). I was also thinking one could be filled with cotton balls/pads and Q-tips for the bathroom - if I had a proper vanity I would do so, but as is, it means I have to buy those shelving things that "float" on the wall if I decide to go that way...

My cute grocery guy was suggesting sugar/flour/rice - but of course, he would suggest that! :)

I am also thinking of the other jar that I didn't buy!! That one is more of a mother of pearl colored lid - which means I can fill partway with sand, then sprinkle the top with my favorite shells and use as decoration! I'll be posting later...this house business takes some serious thinking (as well as $$) I lay in bed contemplating the next book I would read to distract me from my money troubles, Pookie texted me from the porch to come out and "see the rainbow".

All in all, I would say spending the day in pj's and watching football, plus cuddling equaled to a perfect Sunday...

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