I am very proud of my use of thumbtacks to keep the curtains up...when in need of curtain rods, thumbtacks will do! :)

a before picture...and one of my favorite shots

loving that I finally get to use my purple sari...:) it's too beautiful to let it go to waste!

where will all my shells go?! well...let's start with the windowsill!

lots of shells and pumice stones that need to be displayed...where can I find a cheap bookshelf/buffet table?
I also heard from the landlord that he'll be bringing in a king sized bed for the spare bedroom. um...HELL yes?!! Thank god...no need to BUY a bed for my guests, I can now focus on prettifying it instead! well...I'll wait and see when the bed is brought over...but hopefully before the Xmas holidays, as it seems people tend to come over and visit around that time! :)